Don de Chaleur
Product Design / Hackaton
App designed to help reduce energy bills and fight energy poverty. French Startup created by Matthieu Sattler and Laurent Fournié, it encourages users to save electricity by offering eco-tips and energy challenges. Savings are tracked via Linky meters, and each kilowatt-hour saved funds a charity fighting energy poverty.
The current app is not getting a huge amount of downloads
People are not saving energy as much as they could, because the current app is not promoting interest among the user
Lack of interest in creating favourable actions for climate change or social projects around the user’s community
Not an engaging community has been created around
User Profile
Young people between 25-35 years old. An eco-conscious, tech-savvy individual, passionate about sustainability, seeks to reduce household energy consumption and involve family members in energy-saving activities. They are motivated by the desire to save money, positively impact the environment, and contribute to social causes like reducing energy, etc
New architecture of the app
By creating a system of gamification, and reestructuring the game architecture by providing more information about the community around, interest to save energy and save money, will be a possible solution.